Varun Sudarsan

B.S. in Computer Science - Rutgers University New Brunswick
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” - Vincent Van Gogh

Skills and Technologies I Use

Jack of All Trades. Advocate of Innovation and Creativity.

Java SDK

Java applications for personal and commerical use


Backend development with Java, OracleDB and SpringBoot


Amazon Web Servcies and Microsoft Azure with Terraform script automation

Web Developemnt

JavaScript with front-end frameworks like React, Next.js and Angular as well as Python for Flask and Django

Machine Learning

Language Learning Model algorithms like Logistic Regression, Decision Trees and Naive Bayes

Favorite Project

Family Shopping List(JavaScript) uses Firebase and Auth0 to authenticate users and store shopping lists

Evernote Clone

Notetaking application which allows users to create and modify notes. Uses Next.js for the front end and Google Firebase Firestore for the backend.

Chatbot - Powered by Gemini

This project implements Google's Gemini API to repond to prompts given by the user. Built with JavaScript

Snake Game

This application uses Java Swing to recreate same snake game you loved on your Nokia 3310!

Contact Me

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